Thank You All For an AWESOME Birthday!


Guys, you’ve made me soooooo happy by downloading lots and lots of copies of THE GRIMM LEGACY. Sales rankings looked pretty awesome. I hope you enjoy it. IF YOU DO…go get books two and three…I think you’ll like them too!

LOTS of people ask me at book events and conferences whether the book is safe for pre-teens. I will tell you that YES it is…depending on the pre-teen. The Boy read the first book at 12. At that point, he’d already seen The Hunger Games (movies, that is, he’s reading the book now), and I always tell people that there’s more violence in The Hunger Games than in my books. There might be a tad more kissing in the books, but it’s pretty limited. I’d say it’s pretty young adult safe. The characters are definitely more worried about the latest magical going-to-eat-their-faces-off-before-breakfast type of evil than their love lives, although there’s plenty of romance and drama there, too.

I’ve also ordered some promotional buttons. I’ve still got three appearances coming up this year. Will post a picture when I get them; I totally love them. THANK YOU to Kelly Shorten, the art director at Musa, for humoring my wild-hair idea and turning it into something pretty neat.

A lot of people asked me what I did to celebrate my birthday besides giving away a bunch of free books. I’ve put this on Facebook, but I’ll repeat here…

My husband brought me coffee in bed…which he does quite a lot! I got donuts and cookies from Schuler’s Bakery in Urbana from co-workers. YUM! I spent all day at work, and got home to find a DOZEN RED ROSES from my wonderful, loving, husband. HE ROCKS, and NO, I’m NOT sharing…he’s MINEMINEMINEMINEMINE!!! (LOL) He and The Boy had a card for me, there was one from my mother and father…I had phone calls wishing me a happy birthday from Mom and Grandma, text messages from my sister and my dad. We headed off to The Boy’s soccer game…and my in laws presented me with a cake with Cinderella and her pumpkin carriage on it! I’m not a girly girl…but I loved it!

So…I had a pumpkin cookie for breakfast and cake for dinner yesterday. Not exactly health food, but definitely a good day of celebrating. Need to get some vegetables and healthy stuff in here soon…

A friend took me out for lunch today for my birthday, and I get to go out for a girl’s night tonight with another friend…then a weekend with my guys…

I’d say that’s an awesome birthday.

Oh, and…hint hint hint…it’s still up there for free on Amazon.

Today only…The Grimm Legacy free!

I just have to thank everyone who stopped by Facebook and wished me a happy birthday. WOW I have some awesome friends, co-workers, and readers! You guys seriously know how to make a girl’s day.

I woke up this morning to my wonderful husband bringing me coffee, my co-workers brought in Schuler’s donuts and cookies to our morning video conference, and when I checked through the day, you guys have downloaded the freebie of Book One THE GRIMM LEGACY so many times that it hit #3 in Fairy Tales under Mythology and Folk Tales. WOW.

Just a reminder that this freebie is ONLY for today. If you’ve been meaning to download the book, please do so before the end of the day! I have to thank my publisher Musa Publishing for allowing me to do this. And if you like the freebie (or if you’ve already read and liked Book One), check out books two and three, THE ANDERSEN ANCESTRY and THE WONDERLAND WOES. These continue the saga of Janie, Mia, Bert, Aiden, and all the rest.

Also, if you downloaded the book, and are willing to leave an honest review, please do so. Reviews help authors get the word out about their books. If you don’t feel comfortable reviewing the book, no worries…but don’t be afraid to review other books if you feel you can. Spread the word…let others know if you like it. Word of mouth is a beautiful thing!

My inbox, my facebook page, my twitter account, and this website are all places where people can catch me, and it’s been wonderful and overwhelming today.



Life, Our Universe, and Everything..including a FREEBIE!

I realized that I forgot to actually say that The Boy really enjoyed his stay at soccer camp this summer at Ohio Northern University. It’s my alma mater, so it was really interesting to go up there and see all the things that have changed. Silly me, I’ve been up there to judge mock trial competitions in Hill building and the law school building several times over the years, but I haven’t gotten past those buildings to see the rest of the campus in a long time. The trees in the Tundra are much much taller and the residence halls are soooo much nicer; they’ve done a lot of work on campus. It’s changed a lot since I was there. Some of those were good changes; some were changes that weren’t unexpected, but I was disappointed to see the change.

We’re heavily into fall already, even though it’s only August. The Boy is running cross country this year, as well as playing for the Springfield Thunder soccer club, and starting seventh grade, so we’re a little nuts running to All The Event Things. The Boy, on the other hand, is vacillating between “I’m too hot and tired to eat,” and “EAT ALL THE FOOD THINGS!” Even so, we wouldn’t change it a bit.

Hubby and I haven’t had the Model T out much this year, because my wonderful husband hurt his foot pretty bad at the beginning of summer, and hasn’t been able to drive it. (Handy tip…when playing soccer, one is supposed to land on the BOTTOM of one’s foot, not the TOP). We are hoping to get a bit of driving in before the weather makes it impossible to do so.

We’re crazy busy around here, but that hasn’t stopped us from going together to Fandom Fest in Louisville, KY, attending the Champaign County Fair, and getting The Boy ready for school. I’m constantly staring at a computer a lot, working the day job, the part time job, the private cases, and, of course, working on two different novel projects. AND…trying to blog more often. I need to get better at this, I know.

ALSO my birthday is TOMORROW….and for TOMORROW ONLY I’ve signed up with my publishers for a FREEBIE DAY. I’m giving YOU a present to celebrate my birthday. TOMORROW ONLY you can get THE GRIMM LEGACY in ebook for FREE!!

That’s right. FREE. Check it out. And then, once you’re totally in love with Bert, Janie, Aiden, Mia, and the rest, check out books two and three.




On the ALS challenge

When I first started seeing it on Facebook, I thought it was kinda dumb. What does ice have to do with ALS? And then, I realized that there was a point to it, that the ice was supposed to simulate some of the symptoms with ALS.

And I realized that I really didn’t want to do it. I had no problem with donating. It’s a good cause. What I didn’t like was the crowd-sourced peer pressure to dump buckets of ice on one’s own head. The internet pressure to do something I thought monumentally dumb was more than a little ridiculous, I thought, and so I watched, as my husband was challenged, and got himself, with the giggling help of my stepson.

They had a goofy night, and I was glad of it; it’s always good to see a teenager bond with their parent.

I was glad when he didn’t challenge me. I thought the whole thing was stupid, still. I was very clear with my husband that I would donate rather than dump ice on my own head, because I thought, honestly, that writing a check would do more good than giving me pneumonia, or me slipping on an errant piece of ice and landing in the emergency room. And then, I thought, maybe it’s better to say out loud that I don’t like being pressured into doing something I don’t really want to do. In fact, I get downright stubborn about NOT doing something when someone pushes me hard to do something I don’t want to do. (just ask my parents 😉

Don’t get me wrong…I like that it’s raising awareness.

However, I also think it’s a good idea not to pressure people who are willing to donate, but don’t really have the desire to have a cold bucket of ice water dumped over their heads. I don’t like the idea of online peer pressure, or online bullying, or anything like that.

There’s some people out there who think I should just do it and donate as well, and I’m going to say no. Not because I can’t afford the donation. I can, and I am donating. I have a freezer, and water, and ice. I am physically capable of doing it. But there’s a higher purpose in my sticking to my guns.

So here’s me, saying I’m not going to dump ice over my own head because I don’t really want to, and that no one should feel shamed or bullied into doing something that they don’t want to do. I’m happy to donate to a good cause, but if me standing up and saying no I won’t do something I don’t want to do, makes even one of my nieces and nephews, or cousins, or young friends, realize that they don’t have to join a trend, just because everyone else is doing it so it must be fun…I’ll be the fuddy duddy that sends in a check. I’m secure enough in myself to say I’m not going to follow a crowd just because. There’s a bigger lesson to learn here than just how to heave an ice bucket high enough to drench myself.

So, no, I will not be dunking my head with ice water, because I don’t believe in peer pressure dictating my choices. I will be writing a check for ALS research, because I do believe in helping good causes.