Eighteen Goals for 2018

  • Finish both in-progress novels and at least one short story this year.

The Demon book and the werewolf book have been slow going. Actually the werewolf one needs to be on the front burner, with the demon book shortly behind it.

  • get better writing schedule. I’ve been sucking it when it comes to actual butt in chair, hands on keyboard.
  1. Finish upstairs bathroom
  2. Turn downstairs closet into computer nook/recording space for audio books
  3. Maybe another project or two as time permits…
  • PURGE/CLEAN the entire house. That’s ten rooms.
  1. Living Room
  2. Dining Room
  3. Kitchen
  4. Upstairs Bath
  5. Downstairs Bath
  6. Man Cave
  7. Boy’s room
  8. Girl’s room
  9. Our room
  10. Hallway
  • Clark Howard Savings Challenge
  • Lose thirty pounds. Yeah, I could stand to lose more than that. Still, set manageable goals.
  • One date night a month with the Husband. We need to make this more of a priority.
  • One on one time with each kid at least once every month.
  • Pay down debt.

Since there’s actually ten rooms in the house, that makes this a total of eighteen goals. I’ll try to update as I can.




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